Friday, June 20, 2008

You shouldn't fall asleep at the dinner table

Last week was a pretty uneventful week.  Nothing significant or life changing to report here.  
Oliver did a little dancing with his mobile.
Then he fell asleep at the dinner table.  Mistake.
Ben made this REALLY COOL mask at an art class at the Walton Art Center!!!  They have great art classes for kids!
The boys played Frogger together....well, Oliver watched.
We opened the Esty Patio for the season on Saturday and enjoyed good friends and good food. Sorry,  those pics went to Us Weekly, they were the highest bidder.  Ok, I forgot to get out the camera.   
Ben and Ruby still need haircuts. 
Posted some stuff on EBay.

Let me think...anything else important happen last week?  I feel like I'm forgetting something.  Huh, must not have been anything big. :)

Monday, June 16, 2008

Father's Day and The Death Coaster

11 weeks old
Wade's brother, Justin (or Uncle Junkin, as Ben used to call him) and his family were bringing their youth group to Silver Dollar City on their way to Kansas City.  We had never been to Silver Dollar City and were so excited to meet in Branson and spend the weekend with them.  
The very first thing that we did was ride some frogs.  Good stuff!  This was Ben's FIRST official ride at an amusement park.  Not scary, not fast, not put your stomach in the tippy top of your throat.  Good stuff!
We decided to split up because Quinton, Ben's 8 year old cousin, and Ben wanted to go ride some more stuff.

Ashley (Justin's wife), Charlotte (her mother), precious Anastasia (Quinton's sister), Ollie and me went other places.
When we met back up with the boys they were playing in this SUPER cool treehouse thing that was about three stories tall and had lots of netting and stuff to crawl in and on.  
I asked Wade what they had ridden so far and he got a look on his face like he was going to cry. Apparently, Wade and his brother had a little misunderstanding.  
Enter The Death Coaster.
Quinton loves roller coasters.  Wade thought that Justin knew that Ben hadn't been on a roller coaster before and when Justin suggested the D.C., Wade thought it was because Quinton had been on it.  
So Wade, Ben, Uncle Junkin and Quinton hop in the coaster car on The Powder Keg, a.k.a. Death Coaster.  Like it was in a movie script, Ben, now bolted into his seat, says to the lady in the car in front of them, "this is my first roller coaster ride".  The woman says, "This is your first roller coaster ride?!"  Then, before this beast takes off, she is frantically giving him instruction...."keep your head on the back of seat all the time", "it goes really fast so don't get scared", "it'll be over really soon", etc.  
Are you familiar with ski slope ratings?  Green slopes for the bunnies, blue slopes for the intermediates and black diamonds for the crazies.  Well, we didn't know until later, but Silver Dollar City rates their rides the same way.  Do I really need to tell you what this ride was?  Do you see where I am going with this? 
Ok, for those who haven't read the's a black diamond.
Poor Ben is scared to death and wants this thing to stop.  Wade is trying to calm a 6 year old child at 90 something miles per hour.  It was awful.  Ollie was sad for Ben!

I like roller coasters and I hadn't been on one in a long time, so Wade and I went back and rode it a little later.  Ready for my Brittney Spear imitation?  It was bad, y'all!  The whole time I am thinking, with all of my organs at the back of my spine, "my poor baby, my poor baby". 
The good news and really cool thing about Ben is that he gets over stuff quickly.  He was perfectly fine when I saw him and I would have never known if Wade hadn't told me.  He wanted some frozen lemonade and to go play at the water park....Ben could have asked for a pony and I would have gotten it at that moment.

The next day was Father's Day and we came home.  Ben gave his daddy the wind chime that he made in art class. 
Ollie gave him drool.  He's teething.
I did ask Ollie if it was ok that I tell Ben's story on his blog and he said that he was happy to share and would love to continue to make this a family blog.  What a guy!!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008


The kid loves his baths.  He fell asleep!!!

And big brother made the front page of the paper!

Monday, June 9, 2008

Slippery When Wet

Ah, the slip 'n slide!  
So, the fam was at a birthday party Saturday night.  The birthday girl (Molly, 23) had a kiddie pool and slip 'n slide for the kids (yeah, right).  That was too much fun for Ben and he wanted to get out his slip 'n slide that had been held captive in its box since last September.  So we did!  I think that we all laughed so hard our sides hurt.  He launched himself down that thing so fast he would catch air at the end.  

And don't think that Ruby didn't want in on the action! 

Young Ollie, not yet the slip 'n slide type, kicked back on a blanket in the shade.  

After that, we spent the rest of the evening on the back patio w/the telescope.  Ben, our young astronomer, gazed at close ups of the moon while Oliver, our youngest astronomer, gazed at shiny things...that's what babies do.  
Look at my guys!!

Oliver would like all to know that he has decided to do without his 2:00 a.m. bottle.  So thanks, but no thanks!  He is much happier sleeping straight through until 5:00.  THANK U, OLIVER!!!

Oh, and Ben learned how to cross his eyes.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

My Scenery Has Changed

Now, instead of looking at a beautiful baby boy all day long, I look at Erin.  Yes, I am back at work.

My last few days before work were great!  Lunch with Kara on Friday followed by an evening with my other girls....Carrie, Charlotte, Miranda and Samantha.  Saturday and Sunday with the boys.  And then, duh duh duh, Monday morning.
Oliver did GREAT on his first day at Miss Jan's house.  I did good, too.  Thank God for Miss Jan!!!!!!
Not much in the way of pics today.  I'll hook you up big time next blog...promise.

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