Here's what's been going on in Estyland? Here ya go (and I'll sprinkle in some photos, too):
We decided we were going to have a garage sale. It's really nice to clean out and remove the cluttler, but how much do you HATE to prepare for a garage sale? Gross!
When we got up on that morning, it was brrrrrrrrrr chilllllyyyyy. We decided to start the garage sale at 7:30 b/c both kiddos are up and fed by then.
We all worked really hard and we each had our own job and responsibility to make sure that the sale was a success!
Wade was stock and merchandising, I was in charge of visuals and then we had.....

and Security

Ben, when he actually came outside, was pretty helpful. One man gave him a dollar for being so polite. He wanted to spend it immediately buying back some of his toys.
Oliver is sitting up all by himself. You've already seen him crawling and now he's sitting and trying to pull up. Here's where my previous Mommy experience is doing me no good b/c Ben never crawled...I feel it's a sign of genius. Ben sat up and stayed there and when he was ready to walk he did. In fact, he walked on his first birthday and was running by that afternoon.
ANYWAY, Oliver is trying to pull up so does this mean that he is [a genius, too] going to walk in 10 minutes or is he on schedule?
Sorry, crummy pic.
These kids are kinda throwing me b/c....get this....tonight Ben was in the shower and I heard him call me. I went in there thinking that maybe I had forgotten to leave the baby shampoo where he could reach, but when I got there he said, "I think I'm going to start calling you guys 'Mom' and 'Dad', okay?".
Are you kidding me?!!! They STOP calling you "Mommy" and "Daddy"?! What's next, they get cars, girlfriends and move out?!!!! Ugh, my heart!
Let's see, what else? Wade is really good about letting me sleep in on Saturdays. I soooooo love sleeping in on Saturdays! I don't know if it's b/c for a million years, Saturdays were just another work day or what, but one Saturday morning I came out of the bedroom to three dudes on the couch. It was pretty cute.

Just dudes chillin.
Ben and Oliver together are pretty fun to watch.

You may have noticed that I have used the fancy brackets in this posting. You know, the [ &] keys. That's because my smarty pants son asked what the difference is between brackets and parentheses and should he use them in the book he is writing. His second book. This one is called Energy and Gasses. In case you would like to know the proper way to use these doo dads: brackets are supposed to include text to your reader only. Anything that you put in parentheses is supposed to read like it's part of the sentence or like the parentheses are not there.

I know Oliver, it's very confusing!! But, I'm trying it [just for you].

Have a very Happy Thanksgiving!!!