Thursday, February 26, 2009

Bedside Chats with Ben - Wednesday, February 24

There has been talk that our new president will be using FDR's "Fireside Chat" style in addressing the country and it's legislators.  

So, in the spirit of the "Fireside Chat", I would like to introduce 
"Bedside Chats with Ben".

Many times these chats are just a stall..."can I have some water?", for example. 
But sometimes he's calling me to discuss something that he's been thinking about in the quiet and comfort of his bed.  Most of the time you leave his room wondering how on earth his mind "got there" and, usually, it's pretty funny.

Last night's chat was just one question:

"What did Yankee Doodle stick on his head and call macaroni?"

And that concludes this Bedside Chat with Ben.  Sweet dreams.


Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Did you miss us?

That was the longest blog break, EVER!!  

Here's what's going on with the Esty's:
(Don't you think that should be Esties?)

We got through the Great Ice Storm of '09.
This family actually weathered that storm quite well.  We did lose power twice, but it was nothing like most of the people that I know.  One afternoon we lost power for about 4 hours and then the next day we lost power again for about 2 hours.  No biggie.  
AND our trees did really well, too!!  Thank you, Wade!
This was Monday.

This was Tuesday.

It looks like a pretty dusting of snow, but it's not.  It's ice.

There are a lot of trees around our house and going outside at night was so creepy because you could hear all the trees cracking and snapping.  No one was on the roads so it was a really eerie kind of quiet, except for the trees.  

Ollie is up on two feet, just not walking.  He'll stand up, decide he wants to go somewhere else, plop down on the floor and take off!  That kid can MOVE!  You can't look away either b/c he won't be there when you look back.  

He loves to "chase" the dogs.  Once he catches up to Lucy (and he only catches up because she goes to the door and stands there waiting to get out), he tries to grab her feet or her tags, which she hates.  She is the sweetest most tolerant dog on the planet. 

That look...

Oliver is also getting his first tooth.  

See it in there?

He's learning a couple of words, too!
He says, "mama", "hi", "dada" and "weeeeee".
Ok, while it's tempting to let you think that he is a genius and starting to speak at 10 1/2 months old, I have to be honest here and let you know that he doesn't really use any of them correctly.
Sometimes, in the early morning hours, you'll here this sweet little "hi" on the monitor.  
When he is being playful, he says (screams)  "da da da da".
When he is getting cranky and hungry, he says "ma ma ma ma".
Actually, maybe he is using them correctly.  Ha!

One is getting teeth while the other is losing them.  
Here's Wade tying a string to Ben's tooth so that he could work on loosening it up....shudder.  

Ben was just sitting on the couch, reading his book and tugging on that string.  

As of the writing of this, the tooth is still hanging on.

Ben has also started riding the bus to and from school.  It seems to be a good thing.  And he made a little bus friend.  Awwwwww.  
The bus picks him up a block away from the house at 6:55 am.  Yes, you read that right.  I can see him from the porch and I usually stand there until I physically see him get on the bus and head off to school.  
Then, about 3:05 in the afternoon, the bus comes screaming down the street...I'll get to this in a sec...and I watch him LEAP out of the bus and run all the way to the house.  He comes flying out of that bus like he is being thrown out.
"I just like to jump out"
That's what he tells me.
He's just a little dude getting himself to and from school.

Ok, supersonic speed demon afternoon bus "O".
I don't know if it's because the bus driver assumes that he has all the neighborhood children with him and therefore it is ok break the sound barrier as he barrels down the street, but I do know that by the time I hear the bus, it has already flown by the window and made me spill my hot coffee all over me.  That last part was a lie.  I was just re-living that scene in Top Gun when Mav and Goose buzz the tower.
I guess I just feel I have to question how safe a driver this guy is if he thinks that Mach 10 is an appropriate speed for a residential street.  I was thinking more like 20 mph.  

We were in Kansas City recently, too.  We had a short, but fun visit!  
LOTS of Wii.

I feel that I should tell you that, unless you are six year old Anastasia, I cannot be defeated at Wii tennis.  I'm not trying to brag or anything, I just wanted you to know.  
I will take you down.

It is becoming a little more difficult to take pictures of Oliver right now.  I will explain with a visual.

I flash the camera hunting for the perfect moment to capture....

He spotted me, the hunter becomes the hunted.....

it's over

I'll see you next week...yes, I mean it.

The Esties

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