So, Oliver has picked up the sing song-y "Nanny Nanny Boo Boo" thing...from school, I'm sure...but he doesn't use it right, so it's totally awesome! We get "Nanny Nanny Boo Boo, I found your phoooonne" or my favorite thus far "Nanny Nanny Boo Boo, I meeda go poo poo".
Three. Is. Greatness.
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Nanny Nanny Boo Boo
Posted by OllieEsty at 4:25 PM 0 comments
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Growing Like a Weed...or Tomato Plant.
Oliver just had a birthday. He's three. If you ask him how old he is he'll tell you, in good '0l April Fool's Day style, that he's four. We didn't prompt him to do that, he really thinks he's four. We're working on it.
We wrestled with what to do for his birthday. Do we find some great place, like Jump Zone or Boingo Bounce, to invite all his little preschool friends or do we have them all over or go to a park.....basically, do we make our afternoon miserable paying for a headache that would be fun for the kids, but won't be remembered by anyone who will think of it fondly. It would probably be one of those "What on Earth were we thinking?!" memories.
When Ben turned three, we took him to the Tulsa Zoo. We decided, with little hesitation, to make that a three year old birthday tradition. Granted, the tradition started with Ben and stops with Oliver, but it's a tradition none the less.
We were immediately greeted by our guide, Sir Ladybug. This kind critter accompanied us all the way to the gate.
The zoo charges admission, of course. Nothing drastic, very reasonable. But let me just tell you how the zoo feeds the animals and pays the bills.
As soon as we stepped out of the car, I realized that we left our sunscreen at home. I HAD to get some for "the fairest of them all". Fine, first stop: gift shop.
For a no name, piece of crap can of spray sunscreen...$13.99. Shall I put that in perspective? After tax, I paid more than half of the admission price for a shady (pun kind of intened) can of sunscreen. I'm over it, won't make that mistake again.
On to the fun.
Ollie was crazy cool in his Wayfarers....thank you VERY MUCH Dr. Mertins!
Angry Birds. Ha!
ALL DAY LONG, Oliver asked to ride the train. I think he wouldn't have cared at all if we didn't even see one animal as long as we rode the train. It was a little loud in the tunnel,but Oliver LOVED it!
It was perfectly perfect outside and a really great time was had by all....
....especially the birthday boy.
The Esty boys aren't the only things growing around our house. Yes, we have planted our garden! Wahooo!!
Ben and Oliver were great help.
They planted.
Oliver did some victory laps.
They watered everything in.
And then Wade watered them in.
Can't wait to watch our garden grow!!!
Posted by OllieEsty at 6:06 AM 0 comments