Thursday, May 29, 2008

Memorial Day

We went to Little Rock to celebrate Oliver's first Memorial Day and we had a great time!!  Dad kept the smoker going all day and smoked brisket and ribs....YUM!!!!....and we ate to the point of misery.  There's really no other way to do it!

Ben had lots of fun in the woods around Grandmother and Papa's house and unearthed lots of cool rocks and discovered burning things with a magnifying glass.  Look out ants.
Auntie, Uncle Bob and Charlie came over to celebrate Bob's birthday and it is always great to see them.  
We just had a great long weekend.  
Well, this is it.  This is my last week before returning to work.  This has been the FASTEST nine weeks of my life.  I love my job and I know that I am lucky to have a job that I love, but it's still a little hard to know that I won't be taking care of little Oliver all day.
I will still be updating the blog weekly, so keep checkin in!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Weight Check

11 lbs, 5 oz!!!

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Barefoot in the Park

Today was probably the most beautiful day I have seen in a long time.  PERFECT day for a picnic!!!
We packed a lunch & some park supplies (frisbee, bubbles) & took off for Wilson Park. DEFINITELY a hot spot in Fayetteville yesterday!!!
We found a nice spot under a tree to lay out the blanket and have our sandwiches and, as if on cue, we heard the tinkling music of the ice cream truck as we finished do they DO that?!  We heard that tinkling music for a long time!  
Ollie and I took a walk around the park while Ben and Wade played in the sun.  Lot's of swinging, lots of bubbles and frisbee.  
And then, just when the day couldn't get any better, Ben lost his first tooth.  Cha CHING!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Tadpole to Olliewog

Remember "Frog Man" from a few weeks ago?  Well, just like that and he's six weeks old and looks like a completely different baby!  He is quickly outgrowing some of his clothes which is great news b/c it means he's a fat, happy baby.
Speaking of baby clothes, who knew how entertaining baby socks can be?  We always take off Oliver's socks when we are changing a dirty diaper...socks, kicking feet and dirty diapers don't always mix.  Well, leave it to Wade to find new ways to entertain the baby!  I think I was just as entertained by it as Daddy and Baby were.  It took some begging and a little white lie to get Wade to let me take this picture.  Oops.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Cinco de Mayo

Happy Cinco de Mayo!  
Ben didn't have school and it was soooo beautiful outside.  
My friend Laura was off work and she and Art invited us to grab some lunch, take it to the park and enjoy the weather. 
Ben was too excited to eat, so he ate a cheeto and half a bite of sandwich and took off for the playground. Just when it couldn't get any better for him, he saw that his friend Suzanne was there with her sister and mother and he bolted for their picnic....where he ate plenty.  Laura, Art, Ollie and me hung out in the shade.  
We had the best time.  
Oliver is doing so great.  He has quite a belly on him and his little arms and legs are getting chubs! 
We are starting to get some big grins, which warms you right up!!!  He loves to watch your eyebrows. 
The last couple of nights he slept in 4 and 1/2 hour stretches.  Woohoo!!  I've been trying to get him to get on a nap schedule, but we aren't quite there yet.  He's really too little for that anyway.  When you are only 38 days old, you get to sleep, cry and eat whenever you wanna!
Here's a sweet little pic of Ollie and his big brother:

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