Happy Cinco de Mayo!
Ben didn't have school and it was soooo beautiful outside.
My friend Laura was off work and she and Art invited us to grab some lunch, take it to the park and enjoy the weather.
Ben was too excited to eat, so he ate a cheeto and half a bite of sandwich and took off for the playground. Just when it couldn't get any better for him, he saw that his friend Suzanne was there with her sister and mother and he bolted for their picnic....where he ate plenty. Laura, Art, Ollie and me hung out in the shade.
We had the best time.
Oliver is doing so great. He has quite a belly on him and his little arms and legs are getting chubs!
We are starting to get some big grins, which warms you right up!!! He loves to watch your eyebrows.
The last couple of nights he slept in 4 and 1/2 hour stretches. Woohoo!! I've been trying to get him to get on a nap schedule, but we aren't quite there yet. He's really too little for that anyway. When you are only 38 days old, you get to sleep, cry and eat whenever you wanna!
Here's a sweet little pic of Ollie and his big brother:
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