I am sooooo sorry that I have taken such a long break on the blog. Two whole weeks have passed. I hope that everyone had a wonderful Fourth of July.
We did!
We spent the long weekend in Hot Springs....and it was HOT! It may have been the hottest place on earth. We went downtown so that Ben could see the bathhouses and hot water coming out of the springs and we had a little picnic in the shade (where it was still hot).
Ahhh, the healing (and cooling) effects of spring water. :)
AND we saw one of Al Capone's cars in the lobby of the Arlington hotel. So Neat!
Ben really enjoyed the giant bathtub at the condo.
Oliver is doing great!! Weighing in at 15.6 lbs, he is definitely a chunky monkey. He will drink an 8 ounce bottle and cry for more....no kidding. We've started adding a little rice cereal to a bottle a day and even tried giving him some with a spoon.
He pushed most of it out of his mouth,
and then looked at us like we were crazy.
It was pretty funny. He smiles all the time and has started to laugh a little. That has got to be one of the funniest things to hear. I've tried to capture both on film (a smile and a laugh), but when you break out the camera, this is what you get:
That picture is actually a still shot from video of about 3 minutes of him looking at the camera with that same frozen look. I guess it's stage fright? Maybe it's the light on the camera. Anyway, he may not show off for the camera, but he lights up every time he looks at his big brother. It's the sweetest!!
He has been sleeping through the night for a few weeks now. He usually gets kinda fussy around 7:30pm b/c he wants a bath. He LOVES his bath! Then he has a bottle, goes to bed and sleeps until about 6:30 or 7:00 in the morning. Can't beat that, huh?
Ben is being a little inventor this week at Camp Invention. He loves it. He is taking apart a DVD player and turning it into something else...we'll see exactly what on Friday....and everyday has a different theme. Yesterday was wacky hair day.
First was cooky hat day, then hair, and today was crazy outfit day. He wore boxers on the outside of his shorts, a shirt on backwards and two different socks. Basically, we go straight home from Camp Invention. It reminds me of when you see a little kid out in public with his parents and he is wearing a Batman costume or a tutu or ruby slippers or something? You KNOW that his parents just couldn't fight him any longer and they let him wear it. I don't want to look like that person, so we get home!
I will take some more pics this week. Hope all is well with everyone.
OH!!!! Congrats to my friend Katy McDermott and her hubby, Matthew, who just had a beautiful bouncing baby boy. Edward Gordon Eggleton, born Tuesday, July 15th at 9:30am. He was 8 lbs and 12 ounces. Can't wait to see him!!!