Monday, July 21, 2008


Brittney's appearance in a previous blog was so popular that I have invited her back to blog on Ollie for a sec:  "This kid is hungry, y'all."
Well put, Brit.
So, we cracked open a jar of baby food tonight.  Squash.  He isn't quite four months old yet and that is when you are technically supposed to give them their first taste, BUT...bottles only hold 8 oz and that just ain't cuttin it!!  
Let me walk you through the baby food experience tonight.
"What's this? Ok, I'll try it."

"Huh.  Not bad."


  We couldn't get it to him fast enough.  He LOVED it!  LOVED IT!
Let's see...what else to tell.  
Well, Ben's got the Parvo.  Don't worry, we don't have him quarantined at the vet under close observation.  Apparently, there is a human strain of Parvovirus that is very common for kids over 4 years old to get.  He got splotchy all of a sudden last's not contagious by the time you get the rash.  Crazy, huh?  The Vet, I mean Pediatrician, said it's no big deal.
I guess the last bit of info is that Wade's brother Justin and family are moving to Kansas City this week.  We are looking forward to having them closer to us and wish them luck in their move.
Here's a couple more baby pics:
There's a mirror above him...he likes to look at himself in the mirror.
Tummy time!

Have a good weekend!


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