Thursday, April 9, 2009

Save the Date and Whoopee Cushions

Time FLIES!!!  Everyone is growing up.  Oliver is a year old and Ben, well, Ben......

Save the Date

Ben came home from school one day recently and said, "something very exciting is happening at 4:30".  

I thought that we were in for something very cool on the NASA channel or maybe the President would be speaking to the youth of our nation on all the major networks.  

Then he said, "Me and Olivia are getting married."  

Screeeeeeeeeech.  Huh, what?

So, there's this website that they use at school during free time called Poptropica.  He can play it at home, too.  He and his friends can meet at certain hotspots on the website (movie theater, sewer, whatever) and, apparently, make life-long commitments.

This particular day (his wedding day) he and his fiancee were meeting at the Soda Shop.  See the above invitation.  

So, he does his homework (homework before vows), he goes to the Soda Shop, meets up with his soon-to-be wife and off they go to be betrothed.  

The only problem (besides the obvious) is that they couldn't figure it out.  They knew it was possible to get married in Poptropica land, they had seen it done, but they couldn't get anyone to marry them.  I suggested that maybe parental consent or counseling was required before they could get married, but Ben just shot me daggers.  Here he was trying to marry the cyber girl of his dreams and the mother of the groom is cracking jokes.

Where we stand today is that Ben is still available.  They never quite figured it out.  He was crushed at the time.  I was surprised that it took him so long to bounce back.  Let me tell you, that was a rough 10 minutes!  I guess it just wasn't meant to be.  I'm glad, really, I still haven't met Olivia and I had nothing to wear.

Whoopee Cushions

Oliver turned a year old on April Fool's Day.  It's still hard to believe.  We had a cupcake with a #2 on it (April Fools) that evening.  Notice his Christmas jammies (AF).  

Here's the birthday boy "opening" his card from Grandma and Grandad.

We officially toasted the King of April Fool's with a party on Saturday, April 4th at "the castle".  It was an April Fool's Day theme, so we had whoopee cushions, disguises, Laughy Taffy and a cake that was a riddle.  See if you can figure it out.  I'll put the answer at the bottom.  

Audra and Oliver with Pam and Jonathan (Audra's parents)

This is Audra trying to kiss Oliver.

Babies racing to the ball.

Erin helping Oliver open one of his presents.

Oliver is trying to keep Audra from the Little People Farm.  That's not polite, Ollie.

Pam helping Oliver to a little cake.

He's done.

We had a lot of fun and I again want to thank everyone for coming and celebrating Ollie's birthday.  Good times. 

Miss Jan gave Oliver this Elmo balloon at the little party she had at her house.  He loved it!

Here are some more pics from the weekend....

Thanks for tuning in!!  xoxo

**did you get the riddle?  
there's a crown, an olive and an "r"  
King Olive-R.  


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