Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Jump, Jump

Q:  What completely wears your kids out,  costs $7 and insists that you run around in socks?  
A:  A little slice of Heaven called... 
Jump Zone!

I'm behind on this discovery, so I have to thank Elyse and her tiny tot, Jackson, for the invitation.  For those of you not familiar, although I think I'm the only one, this is Mecca for the bounce house.  Nothing but HUGE, floor to very high ceiling bounce houses.  

Ben's eyes just about bugged out of his head when he first got a glimpse of this bouncy playground and he could hardly stand the 90 seconds it took to pay to get in.  But once we were in, I gave the thumbs up and he was off, leaving a smoke trail behind him.......

They were massive!  There was a giant Tonka truck and a Batman (I think this one had an obstacle course inside), a Spongebob house, a roller coaster and a giant gumball machine.

The biggest was a really tall pirate ship:

You can't really tell by my pictures, but this was probably 25 feet tall.  This one was a little intimidating to Ben at first, but he did it.  Then he did it again and again and again and again.  In fact, that's where I found him when it was time to go.  

He was so SWEATY!!  

Oliver and I hung out in the little toddler area.  

There was a smaller toddler bouncy area that we crawled into, but he didn't like it very much.  It was like being on a trampoline in that there was never a solid step under your feet.  Nope, he didn't care for that much at all. 

Oliver just ended up playing with the little baby games on the wall and riding the little rocking horses.  

There was a little competition at the wall, but nothing ever got out of hand.

"Dude, you don't want any of this.  I easily have 14 ounces on you."

Yes, this is a great place to take your kids.  It's safe, it's cheap, it's clean, it's fun...four things that go together rather nicely!


Emily said...

Please tell me you also went down the ship/octopus slide because I did and it took my breath away. (trying to climb up it and going down it.) Yea, that's right, what? You're trying to picture me right now, aren't ya? The things you do for your two year old.

OllieEsty said...

Oh I am sooooo jealous! I really wanted to, but I was stuck in the toddler area hanging with the small fry! I told Wade that we HAVE to all go for a family night (wanna come?!), but it's b/c I want smone to hang with Ollie while I play pirate!

OllieEsty said...

Are you proud of me, Em? That's two posts in one month!!!

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