Happy Birthday, Oliver!!!! Can you believe 4 weeks have already passed?!! Oliver has changed so much in that time. I forgot how quick they change. Some of his 0-3 onesies are looking a little more like vnecks b/c his little body is getting so long.
We are starting to get some routines, which are good for everyone. During the day it's sleep, sleep, sleep. At night he is usually up between 2 and 3am and then again between 5 and 6am. He goes with me to take big brother to school in his "bear" feet and then we start our day all over again!
Ben has changed, too. It may just be how he looks to me, though. On March 30th, he looked like a little bitty 6 year old. Now he looks like a grown up about to get his first part time job at Krispy Kreme.

Something else that has changed in the last three weeks is that Ruby has a new BFF...Ben! For those who do not know Ruby well, that is pretty odd. I think it's kinda sweet, though.
Speaking of birthdays, as most of you know I turned 34 again recently. Thanks for all the happy birthday wishes. I do have to say that saying the word "poopy" over and over again will make you feel much younger than you really are. Try it!
I keep trying to upload a little video of Ollie. For some reason, I am having a very hard time. I will eventually figure it out. I also need to figure out how to edit out the volume, too. That will save you from hearing all of my baby talk. I'm like that commercial that was on a while back with the woman who went to the opera and couldn't stop talking in baby talk. Remember? It was such a funny commercial. In fact, if you call me and I answer the phone "hewo?" or "HIeeeeeeee", please call me out on it.
Here's some more pics: