Sunday, April 13, 2008

So Fresh, So Clean

It's Bath DAY!!!!  I have to admit that Wade and I were bracing ourselves for high pitched squeals and cries.  When Ben was a newborn, the only thing that he hated more than being naked was being naked and wet.  Bath time was a time for photos and earplugs.  You would think that would feel just like home to a newborn.  Maybe it made Ben homesick.  Ha ha!  Oliver did great, though.  He wasn't happy stripping down to his birthday suit, but that warm water must have felt pretty good to him b/c once he was in the water, he calmed right down.  Getting out of the nice warm water was a completely different story.  Thank goodness for the warmth of FROG TOWEL!!!  
We got some great pics of Ben giving Oliver a bottle this morning....there's the teaser to get you back!
More soon!


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